In order to take back the control of the management of your company, it's essentiel to tackle the required digital and organisational transformations involved. There is bound to be a "business" management software package to meet your needs. Here are the rules to follow for a successful project:
1. An overall digital transformation project
An ERP project must be part of an overall transformation project and must be supported by management. You have to work in project mode and put together a "representative team" whose mission will be to choose and deploy the selected solution.
2. Specifications with reverse scheduling
Draft specifications in which you formalise your target management processes. Make an inventory of the "business" needs of all the company's departments. Define the perimeter of your project and the provisional go-live date for the solution so you can produce a reverse schedule.
3. Project management support in the management of change
Get project management support for the drafting of the specifications and to help you select the right candidates and choose the right partner. Lastly, project management support will help you manage in-house deployment and deal with the processes involved in introducing change.
4. Go for a business solution
Go for a "business" solution that is designed and adapted to your country's accounting, fiscal and social security constraints, as opposed to a "generic" solution that is only slightly localised, if at all. Steer well clear of specific developments.
5. Experienced consultants
Selecting the tool is just part of the process of finalising your choice! The business expertise and professionalism of the consultants who will support you in the implementation of the solution and the quality of after-sales service are essential. Contact client references, if possible not those given by the publisher, to validate these points.
6. A realistic proposition
The stages in an ERP integration project are all essential. Beware of propositions which undervalue the corresponding workload. :-)
Would you like to know more about implementing an ERP in a service company? Read our Ebook: